RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - December 13, 2001

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         December 13, 2001

The meeting convened in the City Manager's Conference Room of Rockville City
Hall at 7:30 PM.

In attendance:
  Bob Ekman
  Betsy Robbins
  Ben Pauwels
  Stan Klein
  Mike Cannon
  Brian Pierce
  Jim Beller

1) Minutes of November 8 were amended with proper location and attendance
and then accepted.

2) Betsy reported there were increased request by City departments to host
information.  Bikeway information and pictures are planned.  There will be
more information on transportation within the City.  The City's intranet is
improving with the photo directory and shared finance data.

3) Mike reported that StarPower may not be abhas not yet delived on the 
promised Internet access.  Network Access Solutions has taken over the existing
CapuNet connection. The transition has been smooth and everything is working

4) During November, the website analysis program reported 327 average users
per day.  There were no outages of the log during November.  At the end of
the year, Betsy will produce a CD with all the log files for 2001, to be
used for year-end analysis

5) email is now flowing.

6) The issue of a new list server with better email support is still open.

7) The RockNet server has been moved to Ray Pecora's room.

8) Bob reported that Roald has delivered an analysis of the election
results.  A PDF version is posted -- an HTML and Word version is in

9) There is an open issue with the FrontPage extensions. (After the meeting,
the server was checked and the RockNet IIS website does indeed still have
the extensions installed, but they are down level.  IIS reports they need to
be updated).

10) The proposal for the new web server was discussed and approved.  Bob
will send an updated proposal to Mike for City processing.  The
configuration was adjusted as follows:

10a) Minimum memory will be ordered from Dell.  512MB memory will be
purchased separately.

10b) The backup tape drive was upgraded to 40GB, along with Veritas

10c) Only one 60GB disk drive -- second drive not needed with better tape

10d) No monitor will be purchased.  We will pick up one somewhere.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

Submitted on December 15, 2001 by Bob Ekman.
Amended on January 10, 2002