RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - March 14, 2002

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         March 14, 2002

The meeting convened in the City Manager's Conference Room of Rockville City
Hall at 7:35 PM.

In attendance: Bob Ekman, Betsy Robbins, Ben Pauwels, Brian Pierce
Jim Beller

1) Minutes of February 14 were reviewed and accepted.

2) Betsy reported on the City's web site:
   a) More downloadable forms and citizen support
   b) More information on City manager and programs
   c) iRock (City internal web site) photo directory being worked

3) Bob reported minor changes in RockNet content and links. Betsy is still
working the issue of a new web statistics report.

4) RockNet will have an exhibit at Rockville Science Day, April 28.  We
are planning projection of computer images, specifically a local version of
RockNet and City web pages.  We will also demonstrate video cameras and our
digital camera.  Bob will lead exhibit but needs additional helpers.

5) The new web server is in City Hall.  We discussed setting up a work
session to get it operational.  Ben and Bob agreed to a Friday afternoon.
City (Ray Pecora) will help.

6) Jim reported that we are now an official 501(c)(3) organization.  The
letters from the IRS will be scanned and added to our web site.

7) Julie Kasper will represent the City at our April 11 meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

Submitted on April 8, 2002 by Bob Ekman.